Hello dear readers, I just started a new collaboration with a super cheap and nice site. Dresslink offers a variety product range, you should definitely check them out. From dresses to pants they have it all. Summer is here and any girls needs the newest collection, isn’t it? Why go to malls and spend lots of money when you can […]
Valentine’s Day
Hi babes’s, Valentine’s day it’s almost here. Sheinside has some cool outfits that will help you impress ya boy! Here are few of my favorite combo: 1. Here you can find each item: Shoes – dress – necklace 2. Here you can find each item: Fur – necklace – bag 3. Here you can find each item: Dress – fur […]
Oasap Giveaway people!
The requirements for the participants/Reguli de participare: 1. Sign up as a member of/ Inregistrati-va ca membru pe www.oasap.com; 2. Follow at least one of following accounts/ Urmariti cel putin unul din conturile: http://pinterest.com/Oasap http://facebook.com/oasap https://twitter.com/Oasap http://instagram.com/oasap_official http://lookbook.nu/oasap 3. Click on photos from this post and let me know in a comment your email, facebook, pinterest, twitter AND/OR instagram account […]
Goodies from Sheinside!
Hello beautiful people, I was looking through some online shops and I remembered how much I love Sheinside. I have discovered a way to cure my shopping addiction..I put things in my cart and after I just exit the site. I keep the feeling that all the things I love are in the cart, I feel like I have bought […]