Eternal wandering.

Stii cine esti? Esti pe drumul spre ceea ce ti-ai propus? Esti fericit? Intrucat nu sunt sigura de ceea ce ar trebui sa devin, inca ratacesc. Pana o sa gasesc locul special pe care il caut, am ales sa coexist alaturi de celalalte suflete ratacite. In speranta de a nu fi vazuta sau judecata.  Deseori ma intreb care este telul meu pe pamant. Este suficient sa respir, sa imi pese si sa traiesc? Oare trebuie sa fac mai mult decat atat? Trebuie sa fiu curajoasa si puternica? Sau sa exist ca toti ceilalti? Doar intreaba-te cine esti? Te las acum sa iti gasesti singur drumul tau, in speranta ca nu vei rataci ca mine…

I was wearing Terra Nova top and sneakers, Pull and Bear skirt, and Bershka purse. Handmade necklace from Bianca Luminita and her lovely boutique Atelier de creatie Biannchy

















Today’s quote: “Sometimes when you lose your way, you find YOURSELF.”

Do you know who you are? Are you what you’ve dreamed to become? Are you happy? Since I’m not sure who am I supposed to become I’m still wandering in my fantasy. Until I find my special place I would love to just co exist. To not be seen to not be judged. I often wonder what is my purpose on Earth. It’s enough to just breath, care and live? Do I have to do much more than this? Do I have to be brave and powerful? Or I just have to live like everyone else..? Just ask yourself who you are? I’ll let you find you own way, or maybe you’ll get lost like me in the eternal wandering..

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  1. Scufito ce pretty esti!! 🙂 Putem fi oricine, conteaza ceea ce facem, ceea ce daruim… am incetat sa ma mai intreb in privinta unora, dar imi pun altele… 🙂

  2. Hi Ella,
    good evening,
    I love your site,
    the photos are really beautiful and stylish ,
    by the way, the girl in the pictures is a charm … lovely girl! =)

    thank you very much for your visit and your words

    I wish you a wonderful week
    a kiss and a giant hug

  3. Nu cred ca e prea tarziu niciodata sa iti gasesti drumul asa ca poti sa stai linistita :))) Colierul e tare iesit din comun , iar tatuajul este WOW!!!
    Cred ca pana acum doar ne cometam la postari nu ne urmaream una pe alta …:)

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