Relaxare și masaj în Timișoara

Nu sunt o mare fană a sărbătorilor americane, însă din nu știu ce motiv, anul acesta m-am hotărât oarecum să sărbatoresc și eu Valentine’s day. Cum prietenul meu, mă teroriza cam săptămânal să-i fac masaj, m-am hotărât să ne fac cadoul perfect, masaj de cuplu. Și uite așa am ajuns la Chindea&Angeles la masaj, împușcând  2 iepuri dintr-o lovitur. Smart […]

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Valentine wish list from Zaful

Valentine’s day is almost here. How will you guys celebrate it? Do you have any romantic plans? Zaful Valentine’s day for 2018  includes lots of discounts and lovely items that wait to be sent to you. It’s the first event for 2018, so let’s make it count. Since I don’t have plans for this event, my wish list is not very […]

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Valentine’s Day  guidebook

1.       OUTFIT FOR DATING FOR BOYFRIENDS We know, that you might be a little bit nervous to go for a date on a Valentine’s day. What are the expectations of your girlfriend, how will she feel when she sees you. First of all, you need to feel good in your shoes. Not literally, but you need to be confident and proud, […]

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