Flip a coin!

Suferim,si tindem mereu sa cautam un vinovat..Nu ne gandim niciodata ca poate singurii vinovati suntem noi!Si totusi o viata fara durere, se poate numi viata?Adica ai putea distinge negru fara alb, ai vedea curcubeul fara  ploaie?! Ma gandeam daca  viata ar mai fi viata fara durere, sa nu stii daca esti bine sau nu, decat efectiv cand vezi rana…Am vazut un documentar interesant despre durere, sunt oamneni in lume care fie traiesc toata viata in durere, fie nu pot simtii durerea.Dar si durerea asta este de natura fizica sau psihica ,si care este mai usor de indurat?
De ce nu poti primii ceva gratis, de ce trebuie sa fie mereu un troc, hmmm probabil pentru a  mentine un echilibru.Zilele astea gasesc durerea ca fiind parte din mine,efectiv o imbratisez, si asa cum este nu vreau sa inceteze sa faca parte din viata mea, uneori cedam in fata durerii, alegem sa rupem lanturile si sa fugim de aici, uitam ca suntem atat carne cat si oase.Uitam ca durerea are si ea 2 planuri,si ca nu putem sa fugim niciunde de ea.Fi curajos si infrunta-ti durerea,nu cauta responsabili ,ci cauta rezolvari.
I was wearing blouse ,shirt and shoes no name, bag and sunglasses from Accessorize.











With me was my lovely friend  Smaranda .

Everybody suffers, we all blame life when something hurts, physically or mentally, but why?! Can  you be the only culpable, for your “pain”? Could you imagine your life without pain?Can be named LIFE?!Like, can you see black without white?!Imagine a world without pain, how could you know if you are OK ,or not..how can you see the rainbow , without rain?I saw a strange documentary these days about pain, about people that constantly are living  in pain,and on the opposite pole people unable to feel pain. I didn’t know about this diseases. There is a  balance in this world,you can’t receive something without giving something in return.Yup these  days I  say that I embrace pain, because is a  part of me, but i also say that some “pains” are unbearable,than, in that moment plenty of people jut give up to someone or something,or maybe themselves.What I can’t stand is the fact that we have the power to make other suffer,but on the other hand is in our power to make other smile…again the coin thing 😉 We have to much power ,but still to less!

Today’s motto: “It’s so hard to forget pain, but it’s even harder to remember sweetness. We have no scar to show for happiness.”

Thank you Klaudia , she also has a  lovely blog   : http://klaudiakatona.wordpress.com/2013/05/10/black-and-white-didnt-fit-us/

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  1. …era o melodia care spunea in felul urmator: "good things hurt more than bad ones do".
    Uneori chiar cred ca e adevarat..

  2. Adorable look. Love your cute dress. I read what you have written about the pain. You made me think about it.


    1. Da ai si tu dreptatea ta, dar si vice versa este valabila, ca atunci cand te doarte ceva, starea ta de spirit nu mai este tocmai roz.:) Uneori tratamentele sunt de prisos:)

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