Lie ,lies ,liars…

Minciunile astea, pachetul miraculos care uneori te scoate din incurcaturi, vine in atatea forme si “culori”. Mintim din nenumarate motive, pentru ca e la indemana, pentru ca vrem sa ferim persoanele dragi de o suferinta inutila, pentru ca a devenit un obicei prost, sau poate pentru a evita o cearta zdravana! Judecam adesea oamenii care mint, mai ales cand ne mint pe noi, dar oare cu ce drept, nu este om sa nu fi mintit macar o data! Este suparator cand ajungem sa ne mintim pe noi, ne mintim ca ne este bine sau ca intamplarea e o nimica toata, sau ca mine, m-am lasat in bucatarie, promitandu-mi ca nu o sa mananc, dar m-am mintit, am devorat frigiderul. Din pacate ueori exagerez cu mancatul, dar efectiv imi place prea mult mancarea. Ce faci cand adevarul este de doua ori mai dureros si greu de asimilat  decat minciuna ?! Thanks  Klaudia K.  for the photos! 😉

I was wearing Terra nova skirt, Miniprix sandals, no name bag, Ray Ban sunglasses, Oviese undershirt

Today’s motto : “I guess sometimes you have to lie to find the truth. ”

Lies are coming in so many shapes and ways.We lie because is the best way to solve a problem, we lie to save our asses, we lie because is a habit. We lie because we don’t want to hurt the loved ones, or we just lie.. I’m a  bad liar, but I think a good lie is better than an ugly truth, sometimes. We tend to judge people because they lie, but is there a person that doesn’t do this? We lie to ourselves, that’s the worst thing, when you can’t trust yourself. I left myself in the kitchen, promising to my other self that I won’t eat anything, but guess what I lied. I’ve devoured my fridge. It’s a bad habit of mine to eat…but what can I do, I love food! : )When the truth is bigger and can really harm a person, what should we do?

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    1. Ma bucur!!Stilul tau este elegant si feminin,al meu este colorat si jucaus.;))) Am momente cand imi doresc as fiu mai sobra, mai feminina, dar din pacate nu ma reprezinta!:)

  1. I think the ugly truth is better that beautiful lie, anyway. Lie always comes out in the end, and it hurts much more then.
    I've got to say you look so pretty and nice so I would never believe that you may tell lie) This top is so sweet and photographs are perfect as well)
    Thank You for sharing such a nice post!
    Wish you a blessed day ahead!

    1. I don't lie, not because I don't want, but because I the worst liar ever. And I guessed that you are that kind of a person, that is honest,good,and a dreamer ;))

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