Children and their preservation instincts

Mi s-a spus , pruncii nu sunt răi sau egoişti, ei cică au instinctul de conservare, instinct, pe care noi oamenii mari cu timpul l-am pierdut. Şi cum  nu-l pierzi, când începi  iubeşti necondiţionat, pe omul de lângă tine, pe copiii tăi, pe părinţii tăisau , de ce nu chiar  şi pe animalul tău de companie. Eram furioasă acum câteva zile, pe bieţii copii.  Eram la ziua bunei mele prietene, Smaranda şi a fetiţei ei, Antonia… când m-am supărat pe toţi copiii din restaurant:)) De ce? Păi pentru  una din fetiţe, nu voia  împartă cartofii prăjiţi cu verişoara ei, spunându-i acesteia un “Nu” categoric.  Iar apoi, m-am enervat când cealaltă fetiţă nu a vrut,  îi dea balonul unui băieţel mult mai mic ca eacare încerca din răsputeri  prindă şi el aţa balonului. Şi eu, copilul cel mai copil, m-am supărat pe toţi sunt răi,  până când prietenă mea mi-a explicat  sunt copii şi nu sunt răici doar au instinctul de conservare activ. Cred  m-am supărat fiindcă şi eu aveam o prietenă bunăcare mereu primea câte un 7 days la fiecare notă de 10, şi într-o zi, a venit la noi cu mama ei şi cu eternul 7 days. Copil fiind am vrut şi eu, o gură măcar însă ea, i-a zis mamei ei,  dacă vreau şi eu, atunci  iau 10 şi mi cumpere mama mea. Noi cu bani pe vremea aia stăteam rău şi mai trist este  nici şcoală nu îmi plăcea.  Va daţi seama ce supărare mare a fost  pe mine atunci, nu am primit corn, nici de la mama şi nici de la prietena mea. Vezi mândro, nu te-am uitataşa  mi dai un 7 days, când ne vedem :)))
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I was wearing Sammydress backpack, Pull & Bear shorts, MONTI shoes, no name hat, Bershka blouse

Today’s motto: “When we quit thinking primarily about ourselves and our own self-preservation, we undergo a truly heroic transformation of consciousness.”

I was told that children aren’t selfish, but they still have their preservation instinct active. Instinct that us, the grown ups lost it with time. And how could you not lose it, when you start loving unconditionally starting with your family, your soul mate, your children, and why not, your pet. It was the birthday celebration of my good friend Smaranda, and her daughter Antonia, when I got mad on all the children in the restaurant. Why, one might ask. Well, because one of the girls, refused to share her fries with her cousin, telling to that poor child a categorical “NO”. And then, I’ve got even angrier, when the refused girl, didn’t want to share her balloon, with a boy, even younger than her, who was trying with all his will to reach the rope of the balloon. And me, the youngest children of them all, I got mad on all the children, because they are mean, until my friend told me, that children aren’t bad, it’s just the preservation instinct that is active. I think, I’ve got all this so personally, because I had a friend, who would always receive a 7 days croissant, when ever she would get a 10. One day, she visited us, with her mom, and she had the 7 days croissant with her. Child as I was, I wanted a bite, though she said, I better get a 10, and then my mom will buy me one. Then, we didn’t has so much money and the school wasn’t my thing.. Can you imagine how sad i was because i didn’t received any croissant from mom or my friend. As you can see my friend, i didn’t forgot you, so you better bring me a 7 days, next time we meet. :)))
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