Sunt uneori uimita de mentalitatea de turma. De prostia omeneasca. De faptul ca suntem asa limitati ca judecam oamenii aspru si pe nedrept. Ii judecam fara sa ii cunoastem. Daca ai tatuaje, sau o freza ciudata, daca ai un decolteu mai “pronuntat” , daca te imbraci in negru…esti direct catalogat. Judeam dupa aparente, prea repede. Nu stim ce este in spatele fiecarui chip. Judecam oamenii fara sa le stim istoria, ii evitam si ii catalogam. Sa nu mai vorbim de cei cu defecte fizice sau psihice, ei nu sunt considerati oameni. Am vazut mame care nu isi lasa copiii sa se joace cu alti copii cu dizabilitati. Am vazut oameni care se holbau efectiv la cei fie orbi, fie infirmi, fie cu vre-o boala mintala. De ce sa te holbezi, de ce sa ii eviti, de ce sa susotesti in spatele lor? Nu vor sa fie asa, sunt oameni si ei, nu sunt deloc diferiti. Nici macar pe cei prosti, sau neciopliti nu avem dreptul sa ii judeam, pentru ca nu le stim trecutul, istoria, genele…nu stim nimic. Si totusi judecam, batjocorim, umilim, de ce? Thanks K for the photos.
I was wearing Converse sneakers, Terra Nova socks, Meli Melo sun glasses, Pandora necklace, Mango dress
Today’s quote: “Stop trying to ‘fix’ yourself; you’re NOT broken! You are perfectly imperfect and powerful beyond measure. When we see someone or something as imperfect, it is a reflection of our limitations, not theirs.”
Don’t judge others because you can’t understand them. Or because they look different. Don’t stare at people, don’t whisper next to them…act normal. I tended to judge people, and I know that everyone tends to do
that. Don’t judge, because people may be different not because they want, or
to be cool, they can be different because they were born like that. There are people with physical or mental disease, that we can not understand, and it’s OK. It’s not OK when we judge their family, or them, or when we stare at them like they are less human than us. Even the fact that someone is stupid, or uncouth, even that is not a thing to blame. We have no right to say what is normal or not, because normality is questionable. I have seen people that avoid to walk next to ill people, or mothers that don’t let their children to play with children that are different. Why would you do that?
Such beautiful photos and such a sad theme for you post..
Life isn't always just milk and honey. Life is tough. Sometimes we have to embrace sadness, because it's a part of our lives….. It's not sad, it's just life. And yes the photos are very nice. Thanks K. 😉
Trebuie sa recunosc ca inainte faceam si eu greseala asta, sa judec dupa aparente…dar din fericire viata m-a invatat sa nu mai fiu superficiala!
Imi place foarte mult rochia denim!
Multumesc Daniela. Si ma bucur ca esti unul din oamneii care invata din greseli. 😉
Foarte draguta rochita si pozele! ce norocoasa esti ca ai un fotograf personal 🙂
Din pacate, ai mare dreptate cu ceea ce ai scris mai sus, dar tin sa precizez ca "fenomenul" de a judeca oamenii fara sa stii absolut nimic despre ei este foarte pronuntat in Romania (tind sa cred ca mai pronuntat decat in tarile vestice) si pot sa spun ca am observat treaba asta dupa am cunoscut o multime de alte natii din toate colturile lumii. Sunt oameni si oameni si nu vad de ce ar trebui judecati, iar fiecare are dreptul sa fie si sa traiasca cum vrea. Referitor la cei cu dizabilitati, cred ca cei care ii judeca sunt de fapt cei limitati.
Da… suntem o natie acre judecam dupa aparente. Suntem inca incuiati…ne vom dezgheta si noi peste ani si ani. Sunt norocoasa ca o am ca prietena pe Klaudia. Este un fotograf bun, si e fain sa ai poze profi. 😉
Si chiar daca stim despre ei tot nu ar trebui sa judecam. Si chiar daca.. insa se intampla oricui chiar daca nu oricum.
Da…asta asa este. Multumesc de vizita ?Mihaela
frumoase fotografii!
in rest, ce sa zic? fiecare cum poate! eu am un stil asa de-a face oamenii sa se holbeze :)…am cate un detaliu iesit din comun, cand totul pare super cuminte :)))
Foarte bine asa!Inseamna ca stii sa iesi in eviodenta. 😉
cat de draguta esti. si ador rochita ta, e super 🙂 imi place blogul tau, it dau follow
Multumesc frumos de vizita. O sa te vizitez si eu 😉
Thanks for visiting and following. following back.
Thanks Diana!:)
A message we should all pay attention to.
Thank you!
Thanks Eva, for reading my post!:)
What nice dress!
Fashion blog:
Thanks dear 😉
Hola soy Sandra, no llevo mucho tiempo en este mundillo del blog y he dado con tu blog por casualidad y la verdad es que me encanta! así que te sigo desde ya! y me encantaría que visitarás mi blog a ver que te parece y si te gusta que me siguieras. Gracias guapaa! un besoo
Hey Sandra thanks for visiting 😉
So cute et romantic pics! and I agree with u dear Ella we need to free our mind and soul from normative people 🙂 Love the way your are!
Thanks girls very much girls!!!! 🙂
cat de draguta e rochita!! iar cerceii sunt adorabili <3
pupici :*
Multumesc Delia, si mie imi plac cercelusii:)
wow! you look very great! yours look is very amazing <3 follow? i'm following now and hope you'll back ;*
Hey dear, sure I will follow back 😉
Great look 😉
Thanks dear!:)
buna draguta. da, sunt romanca, doar ca pe blog scriu in spaniola. locuiesc in spania de multi ani si cei mai multi vizitatori sunt spanioli.. te pup si mersid e comenatriul tau dragut
Hey, super tare!! Ador spaniola, dar pare greu de scris…felicitari!:)
I love the song and your look,of course! I'm following you, it'll be very nice of you to follow back
thank you, and be sure I'll follow back!:)
I never understand other people, so why judge them all.
You are right!:)
Hello dear! I am your new follower) Hope you will follow me back, it would be great!)
Keep in touch)
Sure!! Thanks for visiting Dasha!:)
OMG! I love your blog!
I follow with GFC
xoxo from poland :*
Thank you dear!:) Follow back;)
You look so pretty! Nice hair!
Thanks Smara! 😉
Really really cute outfit, you look gorgeous :-)xx
Would love for you to check out my blog:
Hey dear, thanks for the visit!:) I'll check your blog, sure!!!:)
That's right and I totaly agree with all of those statements of you, though it's really hard sometimes not to judge. You know, we are all just humans and we can be in a different state of mind or situations, that's why sometimes it's really hard to make right things and to act wisely.
I love that song by the way and I do like Pink in general, she is probably the only one honest singer t my mind.
oh, and you look charming, dear Ella) No matter what you are wearing) Those earings are just like from a fairy tale)
Wish you a blessed day ahead!
How can you be so nice all the time? 🙂 Thank you very much for having time to express your opinion, for reading my posts, and for being so damn adorable. A lovely week Alexandra. 🙂
Gret look. I am so in klove with those earrings, I have never seen anything like ir. I want a pair!
Thanks. I know…they are adorable. It's a gifts from my mom!:)
You look so sweet in this denim dress! & I especially love how you paired it up with those cute red sneakers! Super cool and stylish outfit! 🙂
And I love your earrings, how nice is the idea?
Thank you Maddie. I know they are super cuteeeee ;))
bine as fi sa stim judeca pa noi dupaia pa alti,,,asta este o problema lumi -pupici
Exact! :*
hello Dear!! I love Your blog and I'm Your new follower now, hope You will follow me too 😉
Kathy from
Sure Kathy!:) Thank you. 😉
beautifull photoes ♥
nice blog ;')
follow me , please :*
I would dear.Thanks for visiting 🙂
Nice photos♥
Thanks Lucienne! 🙂
Amazing ensemble! Loving the denim dress and sunnies!
Much love and kisses from Miami,
Thanks dear!:)
Bardzo ładnie 🙂
Zapraszam do mnie 🙂
dziękuję bardzo!:)
lovely photos and cute outfit <3
what about follow each other?
let me know 🙂
have a nice day!
I would love that Veronica!:)
Wow you look so beautiful and chic!!
I love your blog, would you like to follow each others?
Hey Viola, I would love that!:)
Hey : )
Your blog is cool really. I like it very much. Maybe you're interested in following each other ? I would love it : )
Best wishes, Mnogogrannosti ♥
I would love that. Thanks for the visit!:)
Nice post 🙂 love the photos you look gorgeous
Would you like to follow each other via GFC, Bloglovin and Facebook?
Let me know 🙂
Carla, that would be awesome! I'll follow you dear, thanks for visiting 😉
hello dear! thank you for your lovely comment! following You now 🙂 hope You will follow me too :))
Kathy from
I follow dear!:)
Troppo carina con le Converse!
thanks for follow me dear <3
follow you back now 🙂
wanna follow also on facebook & pinterest?
let me know 🙂
Veronica that would be awesome!!!:)
you look lovely in that denim dress
Thanks dear!:)