Losing is a foolish game

Pssss..hey tu, da da tu, nu fugii! Hai sa vorbim… Simti ca toti cei din jur sunt fericiti, numai tu nu ai sansa sa fi?! Simti ca mereu ratezi trenul ce duce spre fericire, desi stai la rand mereu si nu te bagi in fata, cumva tu mereu pierzi biletul. Ajungi mai tarziu ce e drept, pentru ca vrei si tu o reducere, ca nu iti permiti biletul la pret intreg, scump dom’le e scump…Dar se pare ca inca nu ai aflat, ca acest bilet nu este mai scump, sau mai ieftin el are valoarea pe care i-o dai tu, e gratis, trebuie doar completat. Te miri cum de ceva atat de pretios e gratis?! Pai este pentru ca toti avem dreptul la fericire, este un bun comun. Nu mai sta la rand, nu se da nimic acolo, decat masti probabil, fericirea e in tine. Incepe prin a-ti satisface pofta, mananca mancarea preferata si intipareste-ti in minte prima secunda cand simti gustul mancarii, mergi acum mai departe calatoreste prin amintiri, primele minute alaturi de fata visurilor tale, mergi mai departe nu te da inapoi , prima ora din cel mai tare film, ce stare euforica, nu?! Mai departe prima saptamana singur acasa, petreceri, fete, fast food-uri, nebunie! Mergi acum inspre viitor imagineaza-ti prima serbare a primului an al copilului tau…Ei, acum mai pare fericirea departe, la mii de ani lumina?! Nu fericirea e cu tine la fiecare pas, e umbra ta, are nevoie doar de putina lumina ca sa o poti vedea si sa iti aduci aminte ca nu te va parasi niciodata. Deschide ochii si bucurate de ziua de azi!:) Thank you dear Katona Klaudia

I was wearing  Zara dress & necklace, Benvenuti sandals no name fillet











Today’s quote: ” People are losing the capacity to listen to words or follow ideas.”

Hey you, yes… you the one who’s reading my post right now. Have you felt like you have just lost the train to happiness?:) That every one had a  chance to take that train, except you.You waited until the last moment, for the last discount, for this “expensive” ticket.The ticket to happiness is not a  low lost one, is free of charge. But the foolish you looses the train every time, because you want to spend something, you stay in line with other “sad faces”, you are blind. You don’t think that something so hard to get can be for free, hard to believe isn’t it?! But it is for free!! Every human been and not only, deserves to be happy. Don’t stand in line, get out! And start remember all good things. Enjoy these beautiful seconds when you feel the taste of your favorite cake on your lips, go on remember the first minutes spend with the girl of your dreams, move on now to the first hour of the best movie ever, further the first week alone, with all the house just  for you, further to  the first year of your son… And the list could be completed by things that are small, but important for you. Just for the record, happiness is all around. Just open your eyes!

Also you can visit Klaudia’s work here :  http://klaudiakatona.wordpress.com

And here you can visit Smaranda’s fashion blog :  http://the–street.blogspot.ro

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  1. I agree with u Ella Happiness is all around, I feel nothing is small, I take everything cause I want to see positive things then all my life will be like this, it's the wheel of life… Adore your pics just like a movie 😉 M-C

  2. This is right how I feel at the moment, like I've missed my train and it unsettled me deeply. Though, no matter what we should always remember how beautiful this life is and happiness can be found even in a very simple things. Wonderful post, dear Ella! I also enjoyed these photographs of you, gorgeous photoshooting) You are always true to yourself.)
    Have a fabulous time!


    1. You have a lovely family, this is why your life is so perfect!I think that when you have a son/daughter your life is more than perfect!:)

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