I miss you, childhood!

Si imi aduc aminte cum adoram sa ma imbac cu hainele mamei mele, sa ii port tocurile, sa ma machiez, si in special sa o imit… cumva privind retrograd nu imi dau seama daca evoluam sau involuam?!Ideea este ca unii efectiv stagneaza, si eu as vrea sa am puterea sa traiesc in nepasare, cred ca poate din invidie spun ca unii stagneaza, sunt oarecum geloasa ca stiu cum sa isi pastreze calmul si zambetul inocent de alta data, stiu sa uite, ca atunci cand te loveai si te pupa mama  si parca iti lua durerea.Acum vreau sa uit si nu pot, vreau sa iert si imi e imposibil, vreau sa schimb si e complicat.Imi amintesc cu drag de perioadele din viata mea, in care pentru stres nu era loc, decat pentru hotote de ras si zbenguiala ! Se pare ca maturitatea nu aduce atata veselie precum as fi crezut.Acum par ridicola cand ma maimutaresc, dar uit efectiv ca timpul trece ca lumea are asteptari de la mine si ca trebuie sa am un anumit comportament, cum cere societate de la cei de varsta mea!Refuz sa fiu om mare, refuz sa cresc(asta mi-a refuzat si natura,cand m-a lasat de 1,60cm :)) ) refuz sa fiu produsul societatii..vreau inca sa mai fac sarmale din nisip:)

I was wearing no name shirt ,vintage(for real) earring, Miss Miss jeans, Terranova purse. 









 I remember that  when I was just a  child  I was dying to copy my mother, I  remember that I was wearing her clothes, her makeups, I even  act like her…It’s was so much fun, but now, I’m her!I’m  a full grown up woman, I don’t  have to pretend that, only to admit it. I don’t have to copy someone else…I just have to be like everybody else! Now I’m talking like a spoiled child, that once he has what he wishes for,he doesn’t want it any more. Looking back, I’m not quite sure if growing up is the best thing that could happen. I’m jealous of those people that can still act like children, I wish I could still believe that if I’d hit , and my mom would kiss the wound , the pain will disappear, I wish I could just let thing go, to forgive and forget easier…Now when I act silly ,people are staring at me, like I’m killing someone , I really don’t wanna be how the society wants me to be! I refuse to be an adult, I refuse to grow up (even if nature refused that, when  left me at 1.60 inches :))) I refuse to be how the society wants me to be .. I still want to do the sand rolls 🙂 As always thank you Klaudia  !
Today’s motto:“Grown ups are complicated creatures, full of quirks and secrets.”

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  1. Hi honey! Thanks for your lovely comment. I'm following now, hope you'll follow me back!
    Join my Oasap giveaway and win an item of your choice! xoxo


  2. You don't have to grow up. Be yourself no matter what other people think. Love this cute look. Esp. the shirt is really lovely <3


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