Oglinda oglinjoara cine este cea mai frumoasa dintre toate? In ultima vreme imi iubesc oglinda din baie, datorita luminii difuze ma face mereu sa arat impecabil. 😉 Sincer ma intreb mereu cum poate o simpla lumina mai slaba sau mai intensa, sa ne schimbe perspectiva. Mi-am format un obicei prost, acela de a ma holba in geamuri/vitrine pe strada sa vad daca sunt ok si uite asa am surprins alte persoane care se uitau si ele in oglinda, la mine dar care parca zareau altceva decat mine. Ceva ce mie imi scapa. Mereu stau si ma gandesc ca totul e atat de relativ. Doi oamnei nu pot vedea la fel, desi in teorie se uita amandoi la alcelasi lucru. Interesant cum un om poate fi descris de ceilalti in moduri complet diferite. Fiecare judeca/vede lucrurile in concordanta cu propria-i persoana.
I was wearing Stradivarius dress and boots, Oasap shirt, Benetton jacket and Meli Melo fillet
Mirror on the wall, who’s the prettiest of them all?! I’m in love with my bathroom mirror, it makes me smile. When I look in that mirror, a perfect face is smiling back. Because the light is not bright, I look different. I wonder how comes, that a brighter light change the perspective of who you are. I tend to look in the mirror on streets (bad habit) to see if I look OK. But sometimes I catch others looking at me, like they see something that slips away from me. I realized, how different can we look true different eyes. How the same person can be described in so many different ways, because each one sees through himself, everyone sees through a different light. You can be ugly and beautiful in the same time. It all about the light, never about the mirror! 🙂
Read more at http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/e/ernestholm172213.html#zjkXqf82X
Arăți adorabil! Îmi place tare mult cămașa!
Așa-i, totul e relativ, pe zi ce trece mi se dovedește mai mult asta. 🙂
You're just cute & beautiful like born to be in a Woody Allen's movie. Adore the way like Alice you feel the reality it's like I'm not alone in my world M-C
Totally loved the write up, every person has a different perspective and look at sane thing differently..
U look gorgeous, great mix of elegant and fun.
Keep in touch
The mirror in my bathroom is just the same, it's all about light I agree and the point of you makes difference for sure:):);) By the way that shirt is just the cutest! I really like how you paired it with that classic skirt. Such a chic outfit turned out! Those photographs are wonderful, as always:)
Wish you a great day ahead!
Love the pencil skirt, looks so cute with the sneakers. I would never think of pairing it like that. Great look!
Foarte misto combinatia fustei cu incaltarile sport. Am vazut chiar si explicand viziunea mea, un om nu poate vedea un lucru decat in felul lui. Uneori poate fi socant. 😀
Amazing outfit and colors! Nice blog you have, keep posted!
Ce frumoasa este bluza :X Si blazerul are o croiala foarte draguta!
Te invit sa participi la giveaway-ul pe care il organizez acum pe blog! :*:*
Hi! I just know your blog and I like it ! Im follow you;
I want to invite you to visit my blog.. http://ylieby.blogspot.mx/
Very pretty! Love the printed blouse, the touch of red and the unexpected sneakers.
Beautiful post. It's funny how mirrors can change the way we see ourselves. xxx ps- let me know if you would like to follow each other!! haemeandrobecca.blogspot.com
You are very pretty !:*
Fajnie wyglądasz. Pozdrawiam : ) jusinx.blogspot.com
I love this outfit! Your shirt is awesome *_*
Francesca http://everydaycoffee23.blogspot.it
Great look baby! 😉
very cute look! I Love it !
Ce dragut e outfitul asta!! imi plac mult camasa si fusta, iar faptul ca le-ai asortat cu sneakers face outfitul tare original 🙂 love it! :***
Hello darling !! I really love you blog! i think it looks amazing 🙂
If you want we could follow each other on GFC !