Home parties, remember?!

Recunosc tanjam efectiv  dupa o petrecere acasa si uite ca ruga mi-a fost ascultata! Si uite-ma la un prieten acasa cu muzica buna, companie placuta, mancare si bautura pe saturate. Sincer chiar daca am fost doar cupluri, a fost un  chef cum ii zic eu “de oameni mari”, dar unul reusit. Nu ma asteptam sa mai stim (sa mai stiu defapt) sa petrecem ca odinioara, dar se pare ca m-am inselat amarnic. Oamenii stiu sa petreaca la orice varsta. Mi-am adus aminte de petrecerile de altadata de la mine de acasa, cand ai mei erai in delegatie sau poate in turele de noapte si uite cum eu ca un copil cuminte faceam peretii sa “duduie”. Acum s-au dus vremurile alea, am propriul meu apartament, cam gol momentan, in care nu se fumeaza si mereu domnesc “ragnete” de animale care cer atentie. Dar mereu imi aduc aminte cu drag ca am avut si eu parte de distractie si ca inca am doar ca in alt mod.
I was wearing, Mango jacket, Terra Nova blouse and skirt, Calzedonia tights, Stone Creek boots












Today’s quote: “Madness is rare in individuals-but in groups, parties, nations and ages it is the rule.”

I went this days to a home party. I notice how much I’ve missed a party, in general. When my parents were working night shifts, or they were gone for a weekend somewhere, I used to do plenty of home parties …But those days are gone now, I have my own apartment, where smoking is not allowed (damn so many people hate me because of this) ,where I have 3 animals and no chairs or couches (for the moment). So, in the end no parties. I remember that whenever was a home party every one was searching for the one whom she/he was in love with. And after a few drinks they had the courage to go and chat with that person, maybe dance, why not.?
But this party that I went to, was a grown ups party, only with couples or married people. But we all remembered the old type of home parties. We didn’t forgot how to party, we still got drunk, we danced like animals, and made a fool of us. I hate that time is passing by so fast and we are forced to move on and to mature. I wish I could still loose my head and do stupid things..But from time to time it’s good to remember that we had  great time in our teen years, with parties, drama and all the luggage this involves.

Madness is rare in individuals – but in groups, parties, nations, and ages it is the rule.
Read more at http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/f/friedrichn134058.html#OhF86OCYHHi9Cztl.99
Madness is rare in individuals – but in groups, parties, nations, and ages it is the rule.
Read more at http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/f/friedrichn134058.html#OhF86OCYHHi9Cztl.99

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  1. I personally think that smoking in all public places and especially at home should be ban;) I'm not a smoker and I hate even the smell of cigarettes:) So it's great that smoking is not allowed at your place:) To have own appartment is just great – your place = your rules;):):)
    Photographs of you are so gorgeous, as always, those tights are so chic and edgy!
    Wish you a blessed day ahead!


    1. I smoke occasionally, but I also hate the smell of cigarets! 🙂 I also say my place =my rules, but because of this many people don't visit me anymore. ;)))) I visit them so it's ok!:)

  2. Ghtele tale sunt pur şi simplu perfecte!
    Nici eu nu sunt o fană a fumatului, pe nicăieri şi sunt foarte mândră de asta. Felicitări pentru locuinţă!

    1. Multumesc frumos. Ciudat eu fumez ocazional, si amfost fumatoare pana acum 3 ani si totu fumul l-am urat toata viata mea!!:)

  3. Ella, yes, those days are gone but remember that our best days are still ahead of us! And we are still having fun even differently! I am following you and hope you will enjoy reading my blog and follow me too. Welcome to my page: accessalamode.blogspot.com

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