About you Mony Mon!

Daca pana acum te considerai o persoana romatica, cred ca  este cazul sa faci cunostiinta cu Monica, prietena mea! Si eu ma consideram romantica, dar se pare ca eram departe de asta. Monica ma depaseste clar. Daca stai sa asculti tot ce zice va reusi sa te faca sa crezi ca inca mai sunt unicorni, ca inca dragonii vor atenta la printesa ta si ca daca pupi o broasca se va transforma in printul mult asteptat!:) Inceputurile prieteniei mele cu Monica erau presarate de discutii interesante daca nu chiar inteligente (probabil este de alta parere, suntem in contradictie cam des).M-a fascinat si inca ma fascineaza ca este o fata destul de inteligenta si frumoasa. Oooo am uitat sa spun ca este si amuzanta, dar desigur numai cand vrea…Am petrecut o seara impreuna acum ceva timp, si mi-am dat seama ca desi ne-am plictisit putin una de probleme celeilalte, vorba ei , sa ne bucuram ca nu avem altele mai rele ;prietenia nu consta in a aduce mereu ceva nou, ci in a-l cunoaste pe celalalt, a-l sustine si a-l aprecia! Ciufut, dificil sau doar certaret, e omul tau de baza! ;))
Aaaaa si are 2 pasiuni ciudatele, broscutele si unghiile!











So… do you consider yourself a romantic person!? Wait until you meet my friend Monica ,I thought that i was a dreamer! She is more than that! She still beliefs that somewhere in this world is her charming prince.. she is so damn cute, because when she talks about her fantasy ,she literally can take you in her world, in that moment you start to believe in unicorns, princess and frogs that transform in prince once you kiss them.Also i love her, because she is smart, very smart! At the beginning of our friendship we talk a lot about interesting things, I spent a night with her a few days ago and remembered how funny and smart she is!Also she is my kinkiest friend! Enough with Monica,now I’ll show you some stolen( from Lookbook) photos with her, she dresses very awesome! P.s Monita sometimes I want to punch you in the face, but only sometimes ;)))

She has 2 strange passions frogs and nails:)))
Motto-ul de azi : Those novels with old-fashioned heroes and heroines in them — are ruinous!”

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  1. Such beautiful outfits and manicures! Adorable!
    I am definitely romantic, I love doing all kinds of cute and romantic things to my boyfriend. I love giving him massages as his back hurts a lot, I buy different massage oils so every time it's different! 🙂


  2. Good,thanks for the question,you smiling like always?Sometimes a friend is the best gift that the universe can give you, beside the family…and boyfriend ;))

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