I love rompers

Am început de ceva vreme o nouă colaborare cu cei de la Zaful, şi drept urmare m-am ales cu o salopeta super chic de vară. Zaful este un site interesant aş spune, ce oferă diversitate în materie de produse. Livrarea dacă este cea standard, unde nu plăteşti nimic extra, te face să aştepţi cam mult produsele, in jur de o luna, dar dacă stai bine cu răbdarea recomand site-ul.
Mărimile sunt relativ bune, acum depinde cat de bine te pricepi şi la măsurători, căci eu sincer merg pe mărime (gen S, M, L) însă cred că ar fi mai indicat să te măsori efectiv cu centimentrul, deoarece mărimile sunt uşor interpretabile. Materialul din salopetă este fain, puţin transparent, dar de vară merge.
Per total mă declar mulţumită de cooperarea cu Zaful, iar raportul calitate preţ aş zice că este rezonabil, însă spun din nou mare atenţie la mărimi când comanzi.

I was wearing Zaful romper , Swarovski neckace, MONTI shoes, Oasap bag, no name glasses

I started a while ago a new collaboration with Zaful, and as a result I got a super chic summer jumpsuit. Zaful is an interesting site I would say, offering a big diversity of products. If you choose the standard delivery, where you don’t pay extra, you might wait a while until the product arrives, around a month or so, but if you don’t have issues with patience I do recommend the site.
Sizes are relatively good, now it depends on how well you get with the measurements, because I honestly go on sizes (like S, M, L) but I think it would be better for you to measure yourself effectively with the centimeter, because the sizes are slightly relative. The romper’s material is nice, a bit transparent, but for summer goes well.
Overall I am satisfied with my Zaful cooperation and I must say that the price vs quality is suitable, note, i’ll say it again pay attention at the sizes when you order.

Today’s motto: “The most complicated skill is to be simple.”

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