A trecut ceva vreme si inca mai am blogul. Uneori nu gasesc nici macar un gand care sa vreau sa-l impartasesc, un gand frumos, un gand care sa te faca sa citesti postarea…dar uneori simt ca am ceva de spus lumii asteia. Sunt zile si zile. Adevarul este ca le multumesc Klaudiei si Smarandei pentru ca m-au impins de la spate si ulterior sustinut cu acest blog. Nu este asa cum am crezut eu, o joaca de copii sa ai blog, dar are si blogger-itul asta farmecul lui. De exemplu iubesc giveaway-urile. Asa am capatat si aceasta draguta rochie. O alta fericire ce imi aduce acest “sport” este prilejul de a cauta tinute si locuri interesante si faptul ca ajung sa cunosc oameni interesanti. Like always , thank you Klaudia K.
I was wearing Romwoman dress, Meli Melo sunglasses & earrings, Asos sandals, no name bag
Today’s motto: ” Be sure what you want and be sure about yourself. Fashion is not just beauty, it’s about good attitude. You have to believe in yourself and be strong. ”
Since I started to have my own blog, it’s been a while.. Thanks Smaranda and Klaudia for pushing me to take this step, and after that to keep encourage me. Even if sometimes I barely can find time to make a post, in the end I’m happy to have this blog. It’s cool to feel “important” and to notice that people are reading your thoughts. Also is nice to have a reason to “think” a good outfit,
something Booming. Also the good side of having a fashion blog is that you can win things. I won this lovely dress participating to an international give away held by Romwoman.
thank you so much for your love! ♥
followed back!
keep in touch
Keep in touch dear for sure!:)
Arăți fabulos! Îmi place mult rochia și că ai ales să o porți cu acea bustieră, se vede foarte bine!
Multumesc frumos. Am incercat sa fac sa arate bine;)
You can always just call me K that's enough for me.
And you're welcome, anytime!
Ok K
Wow, wow, wow! It's so you!♥♥♥
I'm trying to be the best of me!
WOW! Vreau sa stiu unde ti-ai facut tatuajele:D Tot caut recomandari ca am si eu in plan inca 2
Sa inteleg ca detii deja ceva tatuaje…Felicitari.Pai mi-am facut tatuajele in Timisoara , la salonul Inkognito. Baiatul la care mi-am facut tatuajul de pe spate a plecat. Restul le-am facut pe la amici
ce norocoasa esti imi plac mult tatuajele !!! si eu am crezut la inceput ca e joaca de copii cu blogul
Multumesc! Si mie imi plac mult tatuajele in general!
Oh my gosh how trendy blog! realy fashion, beautiful! maybe you come follow me? kisses from blackfashionmodeon.blogspot.com ;D
Thanks for the visit dear.And be sure I'll visit back
Senza questo media non avrei mai conosciuto i tuoi colori, non avendo, personalmente, profili altrove, e mi sarebbe dispiaciuto.
È bello sapere che quando fai una scelta, una foto, un qualsiasi barlume ti attraversa la testa, pensi anche a noi che ne saremo partecipi.
Sono anch'io, anche noi, che ti ringraziamo!
Si, la media… Grazie, mi fai diventare rossa .Penso che tutte le ragazze che hanno fashion blog stanno pensando a tutti quelli che stanno leggere I loro blog. ;)) Grazie per essere un gentleman. E difficile a scrivere in italiano. E più facile parlare. Me fa un può di male di testa.;)))
Lovely blog, and nice pics! What about following each others??
Kisses honey
In The Checkout Line – Fashion Blog
Sure Chiara, why not!?:)
So beautiful my dear! your style is unique!
Kisses! Hindie.
Thank you dear Hindie.
Beautiful pics, I love your tatoos x
Sweet Apple Lifestyle
Thank you dear
This dress is so unique, I love the back especially. I like the way you styled it as well, looks great with the denim.
Thank you dear.
Amazing ensemble! Loving the dress
Much love and kisses from Miami,
Thanks dear, and kisses from Romania. ;)))
What a fantastic dress, looking wonderful, great photos and super stylish.
Thank you. I hope I'm stylish;)
So pretty <3
Thanks dear;)
Amazing look
Thank you!:)
Such an inspirational post! I enjoyed reading it I love your blog, too!
Would you like to follow each other? If you would, just follow me and leave a comment on my blog, so that I can follow you back
Tina from the Style Sinners
Twitter – @TinaStefanovic
Instagram – @tina_stefanovic
Sure!!! I would love to follow you, it's great to expand your friends circle.
love the dress <3
Thank you Lisa!:)
Congrats dear Ella, this dress suits you perfectly well, indeed! I also have to say that it looks absolutely different then you are putting on this jeans jacket:)
Those photographs are adorable as well, your photographer should be proud:) Blogging it's a really great hobby, I agree:)
Wish you a blessed day ahead!
Indeed the dress changes totally with the jacket. She is proud because she knows she's good at this. ;)) Great hobby but sometimes difficult. Nice hearing from you Alexandra.
Yep, it's hard to spend so much time for having all those post ready, though it's kind of fun sometimes) And I really glad about meeting nice new people, like you as an example)
Thanks Alexandra. Indeed is nice to meet smart and kind people, like you and others .;)
Like always thanks for the cute words!:)
very beautiful dress
kisses :*
pozdrawiamy i zapraszamy do nas, będzie nam bardzo miło jak wpadniesz
niesymetrycznieo.blogspot.com + following?
Thanks for visiting Betty!;)
Oh, wow. You are so beautiful! Great blog, I'm your new follower (:
Thank you dear!:)
beautiful! i love it =)
Thanks Patricia!:)
Draga Mia blogul este f.frumos imi place mult…ma bucur sa iti scriu pa Ro (Eu sunt Poloneza si Sotul este din Romunia:)locuim in Spania..daca sunt greseli gramaticale sa ma ierti:)te invit la mine sper ca o sa iti place si remini …multe saluteri din Spania-Nata
Multumesc frumos, ca ai scris in romaneste!:) Ma bucur ca mi-ai gasit blogul, sper sa ma mai vizitezi.
lovely dress:)
wanna follow each other?:)
Thank you, sure I would love to follow each other.
Draga mia multumesc frumos ca ai fost la mine si ai remas acuma si eu start following you!:) eu sunt f.bucuroasa ca sotul meu este Romanian ce contiaza in lumia asta iubiria sa fie:)multumesc ptru frumoase cuvinte sunt de apreciat…da Polonia este f.frumoasa mie dor tare si Spania are ce va unic dar si Romunia este super aveti vederi wowwww familia alui Sotul stia in Cluj si numai partia asta am vazut dar sper sa vizitez Tara voastra…pupici Natasza
Multumesc Natasza pentru vizita pentru ca mi-ai scris romaneste.Clujul este minunat. Pupici si tie draguto!:)
Such beautiful dress! I like your neon bra
Would you like to follow each other?? If you would..follow me and I'm following you back, OK?
Sure Yasmin.thanks for visiting!:*
Just found your blog.
Nice blog. Lovely photos. Love your style.
Following you.
Please, don't forget to visit and follow my blog:
Thank you dear. I'm glad you've found my blog!:)
that is such a beautiful and unique dress! love the patterns on your chest and the hemline <3
Check out my latest post on Street Styles at London Fashion Week!
Anthea, thanks for your visit!:)
You look stunning! Love the dress x
Thanks Liezel!:)
wow, amazing <3
Thanks Alina!:)
I following you back!
If you want, we can following each other also on Facebok?
Thanks and have nice sunday Dear :*
Nice photos! You're amazing!
Thanks dear Lucienne!:)
you love blogging and we love your style honey
Wish you a rocking week!
Kisses from Miami,
Thank you very much Borka !
wow, amazing on you
Thanks dear
stunning dress!
Thanks Diana!:)
beautiful dress! and great look:)
Thanks dear,sure we could follow each other.
Just to say hello , beautiful girl! <3
Just to say hello , beautiful girl! <3
Thanks Hindie for visiting!:) You are very nice;)
very cool dress
blog she.is.the.one
Thanks dear!:)
What a chic and trendy look! You look so fab girl xo
Lauren you are very nice,thanks
nice blog!!
wonderfull outfit!!
please check out mine too
Thanks dear.
Amazing, lovely dress!!
Thanks for finally writing about >Man..I love blogging! <Liked it!