Nu sunt genul de bloger (din păcate) care merge la tot soiul de evenimente sociale. Însă uneori ajung şi eu, şi chiar mă bucur când reuşesc să ajung la câte o deschidere de magazin, prezentare, etc.
Sinceră să fiu, pe cât de vorbăreaţă şi dezinvoltă pot părea, pe atât de emotivă sunt, motiv pentru care evit acest tip de evenimente.
Uite-mă ajunsă la Dittamo în piaţa Operei, neştiind de aici în colo ce să fac. Norocul face că Andreea, cea care m-a şi invitat la deschiderea oficială a primului magazin Dittamo din România era acolo şi uite aşa am stat la poveşti şi stanjeneala mi-a mai trecut puţin.
Sincer Dittamo este genul meu de magazin, deşi nu pot spune că sunt o împătimită a pijamalelor sexi, preferându-le detaşat pe cele lejere, am reuşit însă să găsesc o sumedenie de lucruri drăguţe la Dittamo, başca mi-am şi luat un body incredibil de sexi. Ca la orice deschidere de magazin, prăjiturile, vinul spumant, şi mica atenţie din partea magazinului nu s-au lăsat mult aşteptate.
Am plecat acasă fericită datorită achiziţiei făcute, dar şi pentru cadoul primit din partea magazinului. Recomand cu căldură fetelor acest magazin deoarece preţurile sunt accesibile, calitatea este bună şi factorul “piperat”, nu lipseşte deloc.
I was wearing Jennifer dress, TerraNova t-shirt, Avon necklace, No name shoes & bag, Choice jacket and handmade scarf
Today’s motto: Wearing nice lingerie makes me feel really glamorous. I love to splurge on that.
I’m not that kind of blogger (unfortunately) that goes to the all kind of social events. But sometimes I do, and I’m really glad when I managed to attend such an event like a store opening, a presentation, etc. Frankly to be, I seem to be a talkative and glib person, but I’m so emotive, this being the main reason why I avoid this type of events. Look at me now, arrived at Dittamo near the Opera, henceforth knowing what to do. Luckily Andreea, the girl who invited me to the official opening of the first Dittamo store in Romania was there and after talking a bit with her, everything became a little more familiar.
To be very honest, Dittamo is my kind of store, although I can’t say I’m an avid for sexy pajamas, since I love the comfy ones, but I did managed to find a lot of nice things at Dittamo shop, even more, I’ve bought an incredibly sexy bodysuit. Not to mention, that clients were served with sparkling wine, cake and of course a small attention for the ladies, to remind them of Dittamo.
I went home happy, because of my new sexy bodysuit and for sure happy, because of the small attention from the shop. I highly recommend this shop girls, because the prices are affordable, the quality is good and the “spicy” factor, is not missing at all.
wow so so cool outfit – i like so much your leather jacket xx
I love your boots and jacket, nice outfit!
Thanks so much for the comment on my latest post
it means so much to be and Iwanted to say THANK YOU in a more personal way.
you are amazing.
with love your AMELY ROSE
Love your hair. Sweet outfit ��
Lovely & happy girl 😀 Ce fain ca ai post la event 🙂
Te pup
I totally get what you are saying in regards to social events. I was so, so shy at the start as I didn't know how those things went down, I didn't know anybody and most of the time just wandered around and enjoyed the free snacks and drinks 😀
But as I have attended quite a lot social events you kind of go with the flow and see more and more familiar faces. The first times are tough, but if you power through them you are definitely going to feel a whole lot more comfortable very soon. Plus it is such a great opportunity to meet same minded individuals! 🙂
Anyways, you look so cool in your outfit! I am totally digging the whole combination & that leather jacket just needs to be in my closet as well!