Time for something fresh, try a watermelon.

Iubesc lubenita (pepenele rosu). Iubesc atat de mult acest fruct ca m-am hotarat sa imi iau un tricou cu acest imprimeu de la Oasap . Orice stil vestimentar adopti, ciudat, clasic, boem, elegant..well Oasap are ceva si pe gustul tau.  Iarna vine asa ca eu zic sa o incalzim cu ceva fresh ca o lubenita.

I was wearing Oasap t-shirt, Terra Nova top, Miniprix boots, no name bag and pants, and same old Miha‘s smile







Motto-ul de azi: “What good is the warmth of summer, without the cold of winter to give it sweetness.”


I love watermelon. I love this fruit so much that I decided to wear a t-shirt with it. Oasap has so many cool things, that is absolutely impossible to not find something to fit you or  your out of ordinary look. Winter in almost at the door, so I say that is time for something fresh, try a watermelon.


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  1. Si mie-mi place mult pepenele, am unul de la Zara, pacat ca a trecut vremea lor, azi dimineata erau -5 grade… 🙁
    Ador geanta si ghetele decupate <3 Pupicei!!

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