Verile toride mă fac să urăsc soarele. Doamne e aşa cald afară că aş putea să prăjesc ouă pe asfalt. Căldura de afară nu e un secret, iar eu nu pot să opresc acest lucru, sau topirea mea efectivă. Dar dacă tot este vară, am zis că este timpul să-mi las toate grijile acasă şi să mă duc la ştrand, să mă bucur de soare şi de bronz. M-am lăsat purtată de val şi am comandat cam 9 costume de baie. Şi la ştrand am ajuns în vara asta de 0 ori. :)) Cum am mai spus în alte posturi, pe site-ul Zaful găsiţi reduceri de peste 70%. Aşa că fiţi rebeli, şi lăsaţi-va purtaţi de val în vara anului 2017 şi nu uitaţi de codul de reducere ZafulVilian. Restul costumelor în următorul post.
This one is my favorite. From HERE you can buy it. P.s don’t forget to use the discount code: ZafulVilian
Second one as design would be this one. You can buy it from HERE . Always use the discount code: ZafulVilian
The third summer suit that I love, is the palm three one. You can buy it from HERE . Always use the discount code: ZafulVilian
Today’s motto: “If only my teeth were as white as my legs.”
Summer makes me hate the sun. God it’s so hot outside, that we could fry some eggs on the sidewalks. Well, it’s hot outside and there is nothing I can do to stop the heat melt me. But, since summer is here, I said that it’s time to leave all my concerns home and just go out and enjoy the pools, the sun and why not, to hope i’ll have a nice tan. I’ve let myself carried away and ordered 9 swimming suits. Funny thing is that I’ve been to the pull zero times so far:) As I told you in many posts, on Zaful, you can find discounts up to 70%. So be wild, let yourself carried away in 2017’s summer, use ZafulVilian code. The rest of the swimming suits, in my next post.