A sosit şi mult aşteptata vară, ohhh voiam să zic mult aşteptatul giveaway. Ador site-ul Sammydress, tu nu? Am un minunat ghiozdan de la Sammydress şi m-am gândit că ar fi fain să colorez vara cuiva, să îi adaug puţin roz. Este primul meu giveaway pe anul 2017 şi primul meu giveaway pe noul blog, acest lucru mă face mega fericită. Aşa că dragii mei, […]
Sexy with Dittamo
Nu sunt genul de bloger (din păcate) care merge la tot soiul de evenimente sociale. Însă uneori ajung şi eu, şi chiar mă bucur când reuşesc să ajung la câte o deschidere de magazin, prezentare, etc. Sinceră să fiu, pe cât de vorbăreaţă şi dezinvoltă pot părea, pe atât de emotivă sunt, motiv pentru care evit acest tip de evenimente. […]
Nephew for a day with Look inside
Totul a început cu “Pay it forward” şi cu un singur om care a vrut să schimbe lumea măcar puţin. Oameni simpli cu inimi mari adunaţi la un loc, toate astea pentru a face nişte bunici de mult uitaţi să se simtă importanţi, să simtă că încă mai contează şi ei. Ştiam de asociaţia Look inside de acum câţiva ani […]
How I spent my Saturday.
Last Saturday I had a lovely time, I have meet some nice and talented girls. I’ve got inspired, and went home with great plans regarding hand made items, unfortunately all the enthusiast and inspiration for handmade things was gone when I arrived home..Funny, hah? The weekend was about knowing people, to be amazed by their talent, to steal some inspiration […]
Accesorize you summer, part II
Hello girls, For all my readers, I apologize for this post. Is written in Romanian, since it’s about an event in the town I live in. It’s about hand made things and fashion. A bunch of creative girls and and some bloggers will gather and make a lovely evening all about how to accessorize your summer. Now back to my […]
Accessorize your summer outfits!
Show-Up! Accessorize your summer outfits 4 ore pline de culoare si accesorii handmade – Sambata, 28 Iunie 2014, incepand cu ora 14:00 la Sevastia’s Book, Timisoara. Bianca de la Atelier de Creatie Biannchy a pus la cale o intalnire pentru toti iubitorii de culoare, de fashion, de bijuterii handmade sau haine personalizate cu picturi facute manual. Vara asta te-ai gandit […]
Giveaway from my wardrobe.
Hello ladies, Well since almost every week I get one new follower or one new like on my Facebook page, I thought that I could give some love back. From my own wardrobe I have choose some items to make some girls happy. Unfortunately this is an national giveaway. Sorry ladies, promise to make it up to you. Here are […]
Win 3 OASAP new tees, yes, you heard me right, 3 pieces!
Have a glimpse at OASAP’s spring-summer tee new-ins? Great, because now we offer a chance to win your most loved 3 tees among http://www.oasap.com/content/234-summer-print-collection! How to win: By commenting with a post link on one of your social platforms about 5 new tees here: http://www.oasap.com/content/234-summer-print-collection And your registered email address on www.oasap.com YOU CAN BE THE LUCKY STAR TO WIN 3 TEES! OASAP will choose 1-3 lucky stars according to the number of participants! Good luck!
Muffin, muffins, muffining!
It’s all about fashion. Even when we cook we like to be called “fashion alike” . Which man would not like to see his gorgeous wife cooking muffins wearing a beauty like this? Pentru ca e primavara si luna Martie poate fii numita luna noastra a fetelor/femeilor Smaranda s-a gandit sa ne bucure cu un cadou din creatiile ei. Daca […]
Dressale International Giveaway Win Amazing Dresses worth $200
Hello Ladies, What better way to start the new year than with an amazing giveaway. http://www.dressale.com/ is an online fashion clothing store providing a wide range of high quality customer-made wedding dresses, wedding party dresses, special occasion dresses, shoes and other women clothing. You can find all kinds of the dresses you need. The price is very reasonable for every dress, and they have flash […]
Happy new year with RoseGal giveaway!
RoseGal.com is a fast growing global online fashion store which offers the very best in retro style and unique vintage fashion products as well as the latest style dresses, rings, watches , bags etc. Timeless and inspired, each design is infused with culture and history, carried in its own inspirational story. Different cultural backgrounds make the vintage clothing shine with […]
Giveaway from Oasap
Hello dear readers, I’m hosting my first giveaway. So please join it as an encouragement. Online clothing shop Oasap is the one who will give 2 coupons for two lucky winners. This is a great chance to give yourself a Christmas gifts. Don’t miss it. I forgot to tell you that this contest will have two lucky winners. First winner […]