Halloween “disguise”.

  M-am “deghizat”  anul acesta mult mai devreme decat trebuia. Am facut aceste poze acum ceva vreme, insa nu am gasit momentul potrivit sa le public. Si uite numai bine ca e Halloween-ul si nu am nici un costum.. M-am gandit sa folosesc aceste poze sustinand ca m-am deghizat intr-o ” printesa gotica”. Din pacate anul acesta nu am bani, imaginatie, sau timp pentru o dechizare propice. Poate la anu!  Thank you Gabriela for the lovely makeup and hairstyle, and like always thanks  K .

I was wearing Stone Creek boots, no name dress, Terra Nova earrings, RayBan sunglasses 









Today’s quote: “Acting is like a Halloween mask that you put on.”

I said “disguise” at  first because this photos were made long time before Halloween, and second because is not quite  a disguise. But I may say that this is a goth costume, only the make-up is a little more “quiet”. I don’t have, time, imagination, or money to create a proper Halloween costume this year, maybe next year.

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  1. Super misto! Prima fotografie e bestiala. Mi se pare ca te prinde foarte bine tot, coafura, machiajul, tinuta! Absolut perfecta

    1. I know, but unfortunately I'm not very "feminine" I hate to makeup or to do my hair. But in the end I love how I look. Lucky me I have friend to help me with this things;))

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