Hey guys, cum a-ti petrecut in weekend!? Eu am fost o putoare, stare care se pare ca ma urmareste in ultima vreme. Dar in toata lenea mea am reusit sa fac o placinta cu mere. 😉 Sper sa va inspir si pe voi, si sa faceti si voi una, pentru ca reteta este foarte usoara. Am mai facut pe langa, o budinca de vanilie si nuci.
- foaie de placinta
- 8 mere medii
- coaja de la o portocala (am pus putina zeama de lamaie)
- scortisoara
- zahar (3 linguri)
- am pus si niste stafide
- Pe langa va mai trebuie hartie de copt.
Pentru budinca de vanilie :
- 500g lapte
- 1 plic budinca de vanilie
- 3 linguri zahar
De aici in colo floare la ureche. Dai merele pe razatoare si portocala (pentru coaja). Le calesti putin, cu zaharul ,scortisoara si sucul de lamaie daca pui. Pui foaia de copt in tava , pe deasupra pui foaia de placinta, o umpli cu mere, si apoi o lipesti cu ajutorul furculitei. O bagi la cuptor timp de 25 de minute. Intre timp faci budinca. Si gata un desert copios, pe care il ornezi cu nuci, mere, portocale si budinca.
Hey people ,how was your weekend? Mine was kinda lazy.. but in my laziness I had time to bake an apple pie!:) Hope you’ll enjoy doing your homemade easy apple pie. And I mixed this desert with vanilla pudding, and nuts. A delight!
So, the ingredients for the pie are:
- pie pastry
- 8 average apples
- some orange peel (I used some lemon juice)
- cinnamon
- sugar (3spoons)
- and some raisins
- You will need baking paper also.
For the vanilla pudding you need :
- 500g milk
- 3 sugar spoons
- 1 sachet of vanilla pudding
It’s more than easy, because you already have the pie pastry, you only need to to grate the apples, and one orange, after that too fry a little bit the ingredients, after that let them cool a little, and “fill” up your pie. You may stick the pie with a fork. Bake the cake about 25 minutes. Meanwhile you can make the pudding. After that the desert is done, you can ornate it with some apple and orange slices, nuts, and vanilla pudding.
Today’s motto: “There is no spectacle on earth more appealing than that of a beautiful woman in the act of cooking dinner for someone she loves.”
Food looks yummy, i really loved your apple slicer..
Keep in touch,
yep, is awesome! 🙂 Thanks for visiting 😉
Che bella, non l'avevo mai vista così una torta di mele, le credevo tutte "sode" e uguali!
Ma era per una persona che ami?
E più buona quando la fai per quelli che ami. 😉
Più buona per entrambe le parti! 🙂
😉 naturalmente.
So yummy week end!! I'm gonna make it soon 😀 Love the tune, Have a good day dear Ella
Thank you. I love the song!:)
Yumm, arată bine! Ce poftă mi-ai făcut!
P.S: Vreau să te invit la un concurs pe blogul meu: http://boheme-fille.blogspot.ro/2013/09/giveaway-i-like-paper-la-boheme.html. Poți câștiga un colier și un ceas create din hârtie și TYVEK.
Multumesc frumos!:)
very interested 🙂
Thank you!:)
Look delicious. I'll have some please.
Of course,any time!:) You only have to move/visit Romania:)
Tnx for sharing!!!!
Thanks for visiting 😉
oh this looks and sounds delicious.i have to try this recipe 🙂 following you now on gfc,maybe you want to do the same? 🙂
Sammie thanks for visiting and following.Sure I'll follow back!:)
oh it looks so delicious!♥ nice pictures!:)
Thank you Lorietta!:)
Amazin recipe… this looks sooo good!
Much love and kisses from Miami,
Thanks dear:)
Hello dear,
I discovered your blog already. I like it very much. You have really nice pictures!
Do you want to follow each other? Please let me know on my blog
We could follow each other sure,would be very nice.:)
nice post!
thank you Juliettka!:)
i am following you now dear :*
kisses from Vienna!
la noi se spune Strudel 🙂
a vazut prietenul meu poza cu placinta ta si ghici ce ma pune maine sa fac? aha 🙂
Dap si la noi, asta daca este taiat ca un studel, daca nu este placinta!:)))
Looks tasty!
Corinne x
Thanks Corinne!:)
Kisses from Italy doll!!!
Mmmm how it all looks delectable.
seeing each other on the blog ? you start 🙂
You want to follow each other?!:) ok:)
great recipe <3
thanks dear, follow you back also on facebook & pinterest!
yum, that looks tasty!
Thank you Julia 😉