The barefoot running craze

Bucuria de a alerga desculț prin iarba începe cu dorința de a fii tu însuți fără să-ți pasa de ceilalți, fără sa te simții constrâns de prejudecățile unei societati parvenite. Da-ti jos pantofii cu toc si fii libera, cum mi-a zis cineva intr-o dupamasa torida “sa fiu in locul tau, as alerga descult prin unirii”  si m-am intrebat de ce? Inca nu stiu, dar sfatul ala a fost unul bun, am alergat prin iarba, si textura ierbii m-a facut sa ma simt tanara, vivace, copil, libera si plina de viata.
Libertatea sta in lucruri mici, insesizabile unora, libertatea de a dormi gol, libertatea de a manca cartofi prajiti in plina cura de slabire, de a strange un om de mana si a-i zice ca si el conteaza, de a da o floare floraresei, de a zambi unui om caruia nici viata nu i-a zambit, libertatea de a veni fara machiaj la munca, de a-ti bea cafeaua singura in parc, libertatea de a alerga gol intr-o seara de iunie la mare.  Libertatea ti-o oferi tu si nimeni altcineva, tu te ingradesti, tu te lasi infuentat, tie iti pasa de opinia altora, tie ti-e frica sa fii tu, sa fii liber. Daca-ti vine sa urli la trecerea de pietoni, urla. Daca iti vine sa desfaci borcanul de castraveti murati in hipermarket, desfa-l, daca iti vine sa razi fara motiv, doar ca esti indragostit, fa-o, nu-ti mai infrana pornirile care nu deranjeaza pe nimeni decat pe tine.
Daca iti lași fereastra blogului deschisa poti gasi un mesaj de genul: “PS. I really like you!”  mi-a facut ziua excelenta, mesajul. 🙂

I was wearing Ray Ban sunglasses, no name necklace, Stradivarius overalls, Hand made bag, BBup sandals













Today’s motto: “You learn a lot when you’re barefoot. The first thing is every step you take is different.”

The barefoot running craze starts with the wish of being yourself, without caring about what other people might think about you, without feeling constrained by prejudices of an upstart society.
Take of your heels and be free, as someone told me on a torrid afternoon “if I would be in your shoes, I would run barefoot in Unirii” and I wondered why did he told me that? I still don’t know, but his advice was a good one, I din run barefoot through the grass, and grass texture made me feel young, vivid, child, free and full of life. Freedom consists in small things, unnoticeable to some, the freedom to sleep naked, the freedom to eat fries when you are on a diet, to grab someone’s hand, and to let them know they count, to give a flower to the florist girl, to smile to a person to whom not even life had the courage to smile, freedom to go to work with no make up, to drink your coffee alone in a park, freedom to run naked on a beach in a June day.
Freedom you can offer to you, and nobody else, you’re imprisoning yourself when you let yourself be influenced, when you care about what other think about you, you are scared to be you, to be free. If you feel like screaming at the pedestrian crossing, than scream. If you feel like opening the cucumber jar in a supermarket, than open it, if you feel like laughing, without any other reason, apart from being in love, than laugh, do not restrain your impulses, if they don’t bother anyone else, but your person.
If you leave your blog window opened, you might find this:”PS. I really like you!” from the cute guy in your flat,  made my day. 🙂

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  1. Faine sandale, buline, imi place! Ca si mersul prin iarba… suntem liberi dar trebuie sa ne si asumam alegerile, si apoi ne e teama si ne (auto)ingradim.
    Azi am iesit sa duc gunoiul insa doar pentru ca imi doream sa ies in ploaie, fara nici o protectie. 😀 Puteam si fara gunoi, nu… ma gandeam sa nu fiu privita si judecata. pfff… poate s-a intamplat si asa! :))

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