Printre cărți

Îmi place mirosul carților, mai ales cel al cărților vechi, care au fost prin zeci de mâini, care au însemnări pe marginea paginii, colțuri îndoite și mai ales dedicații pe prima pagină, norocoșii găsind și o dată sau un nume alături de dedicație. Cartea aia veche vine cu încărcătura și emoțiile tuturor celor care au rasfoit-o, vine uneori, cu zeci, […]

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Coupon Deals from Hasoffer

Hello dears, Are you looking to find the best online stores across fashion, beauty, electronics and more? Then you’ve come to the right place. Recently I was approached by Hasoffer, a site where you can find lots of amazing coupon deals. One of the offers that caught my attention is the 2018 Black Friday clothing coupons so keep an eye on the […]

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About Everydaywigs

Have you ever wondered how would it be to change your hair color without damaging it? I have wondered a thousand times how would I look with red short hair, or long purple hair, green bob,etc. For a year and a half I did act on that thought, and I changed my haircut and color monthly almost :))) . Because […]

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Pedalarea de Primăvară cu “Verde pentru biciclete”

Nu știu dacă sunteți sau nu familiari cu evenimentul timișoarean “Verde pentru biciclete”, însă eu particip pentru a 2-a oară la acest eveniment, și-mi super place ideea de a pedala cu alte sute de oameni. Știu că sunt și tot soiul de concursuri, însă nu am ajuns niciodata atât de devreme încât să le prind. “Verde pentru biciclete” este muzică […]

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A must in any wardrobe

Orice casă trebuie să aibă un animal de companie și orice garderobă trebuie sa aibă o fustă neagră. O fustă neagră este un accesoriu nelipsit deoarece poate fi adaptată la orice circumstanțe.  Am incercat să creez niște outfituri funky cu ajutorul fustei negre de la Dresslily. O fustă neagră poate fi purtată atunci când mergi la o cununie civilă,  atunci când ieși […]

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 Garnet ring set

In the event you do it yourself when looking for diamond wedding bands for women? Increasingly more males are deciding that my ‘t be within their welfare do achieve this and therefore are more and more involving their future brides within the gemstone ring shopping process. As the tradition of the surprise wedding proposal, lower on a single knee, ring box […]

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Remy hair extensions

Lots of women are taking advantage of putting on extensions, from individuals who would like to boost their looks to individuals who are suffering from hair thinning or just have thinning locks. It’s really hard to know if a lady is putting on a hairpiece or otherwise, only scrutinizing eyes will easily notice. Obviously, if you prefer a natural appeal […]

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Fun at home

Describe home, ohhh darling, you did not understood me, not how it looks, but how it makes you feel. The vibes you get when you just stepped inside your home. Home is not a place it’s a feeling, a good quote once said. So..lets start over, describe home, the home feeling, the warmth, the cozy feeling you have when you […]

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Wishlist from Sevengrils

Santa Klaus is almost coming , so maybe you already  have  s gift for the loved ones. But think about Christmas and the perfect gift  for, your boyfriend, your mom, your child or why not your best friend, your pet. Now that that you have a list, let’s visit  Sevengrils site to shop the perfect gifts for them.  The hoodies and sweatshirts are […]

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